Easiest way is to install the operating system again, one of the options will be to erase the harddrive before installing.
Boot to the CD and off you go.
My computer is full of viruses. Anti-virus software isn't working. How do i completely erase the hard drive?moto guzzi
use the boot cd and do a reinstall on your pc that is the best way or if you have alot of information you want you can try to do a repair on it by acting like you are going to reinstall but right before you get to the screen where it shows the partitions you can press the button to try and do a repair instead of a reinstall
My computer is full of viruses. Anti-virus software isn't working. How do i completely erase the hard drive?norton internet security 2008
Try to format your hard disk drive
boot your computer from OS installation CD and delete partition that contains viruses, then format partition and install OS
I suggest that you try to carryout system restore to a day previous to the day when there was no virus or any problems. It may be a few weeks or months back. You have to decide the date. Detailed instructions are posted at http://fixit.in/systemrestore.html
The problem is likely to be solved. Then,You insatll a standard antivirus soft ware such as Norton, AVG , Avast ( free antivirus software and Ad-aware, Ewido ( free spyware removers). You can download free softwares at
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